
The Gelato Quest

       The Italians are serious about their gelato, and in the interest of cultural immersion, Lisa sent the class on a gelato quest in Florence. Which gelateria is the best—Perché No or Vivoli?
       Except there was a glitch: Vivoli was closed that week, so on my assignment page, I crossed out Vivoli and penciled in ‘choice.’ Then I set off to find Perché No using the four hours of Italian that I had accumulated. The quest provided no obvious starting point, so I wandered through the shade of Via del Corso, hoping to simply stumble across it. After a few minutes, I realized that my plan was foolish, so I picked a random deserted shop to my right and entered, hoping that no one would witness the embarrassing misuse of Italian to come.
       I hesitantly walked to the shadowy back corner of the store, past vibrant ties that seemed to fade as I moved forward. Dov’è Perché No? I asked the cravatier, a balding man with an aureole of curls. His blank stare was my only response. Perhaps I should have tried a different deserted shop. Dov’è…I tried again, this time showing him the page in my hand. But he sent his palm flying to my face, screaming a silent stop! I fear that I might have interrupted his work, perhaps Florentines are like Romans? His eyes scanned the question, twice, as a smile crept onto his face.
       He exclaimed oh, Vivoli! and rocketed out of his chair. Then the smile transformed to puzzlement, but why have you crossed it out? It is the best gelato in Florence! I tried to convey, in a jumble of English and Italian, that I was not looking for Vivoli, but the man would not have it. You must go try it, he insisted, pulling my arm all the way to the door, as the ties brightened once more.
       I tried one last time, no, Perché No?
       Yes, why not? he repeated, pushing me out.
       I headed in the general direction of his finger, and eventually found my way to Perché No, but the gelato was surprisingly unexceptional. Weeks later, on my return to Florence, I tried Vivoli and the gelato was so deliciously sweet and creamy that I went back that night, and again the next morning.

tw #24

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